A sticky note reads: I tried my best to put these in order, but some of them are probably wrong -Nadine. Below, torn up, ink-stained, and crumpled notes are organized on the table LAMPLIGHT The light of a lamp Feels ever so bright at night I let it guide me. MISLEAD The lamp mislead me Under a darkened night sky I shouldnt be alone. SCREAMS I hear things at night They smell of the blight They give me a fright When I get them in sight Ill call someone with insight. PROFRESSOR [sic] Illustrious, and witty He came to stay with me To do what he could And preach what I should His voice ever so gritty. --- They call me an epicenter They say it will get worse I am worried I do not want them to enter The creatures of darkened source I want them to be studied. POEMS I work on poems Because it is all I know I can't stop now. LONELY The professors from far away They did not visit today I wonder wherever they have went So I write a sad limerick I wonder what they had to say. DENIZENS Why wont they let me be DON'T LET THEM IN He preaches But I didn't listen to his speeches. MY LOVE My tears fall out the door Over the hill, across the floor Only my love could heal my wounds Naught, she says, as she looms. THE WINDOW Whats that at the windows It looks a lovely widow Shes very dark With features stark A lover or a foe? STUDIES They work away every night Trying to figure out A solution they will not doubt I think youll find them quite bright They say theyll fix my blight Solve our issues and our plight But theyre only here to get her out They are enemies of the night. BLESSED How blessed I am to be alive Stalked by the sky I love my life I will be happy the day when she arrives How glad I am that she pries I have grown comfortable with this life Every day for her I will raise my knife Soaring into her greatness, I will fly How blessed I am to be alive. --- Trapped in a cage like a dove I thought I was in love.